Focus and records In 2010, Horst Neidhard, the son-in-law of the In the 1980s, a new phenomenon puts the daughter of company founder Hermann Fall- brakes on the company‘s success story. Price er, his wife and his brother join the company pressure is becoming noticeable in the mar- as new shareholders. Together with his team ket, triggered by low-cost production options of experienced and new employees, Neidhard in the Far East. Unlike many competitors, succeeds as managing director in restarting FALLER does not relocate production and re- the company from insolvency. “The task was mains loyal to its Black Forest location. The toy to continue to pursue the sustainable strat- sector, which has come under pressure, must egy developed in 2006 and already started nevertheless be abandoned, and the “AMS” to some extent, translate the exciting brand becomes history. The company again concen- core into the future and implement innova- trates on its core business, model building, tions in sales and marketing.” and launches the “Car System” product range As a result, new manufacturing processes in 1988, a real innovation with self-driving cars are introduced, new products are developed and control elements for road traffic. The core and the emotional side of model building business runs splendidly. In 2003, the compa- is emphasised. Because “model building is ny realises a record turnover and has more creative, has to do with technology and his- than 1,500 model building items in its range. tory, is calming, cross-generational and tan- “Model building is creative, has to do with technology and history, is calming, cross- generational and tangible” The creeping crisis gible”, says Horst Neidhard. Model building as the antithesis of ever faster and more dig- ital everyday life? “Absolutely. We have been steadily evolving upwards since 2010.” This does not mean that FALLER is shutting out digitalisation – on the contrary. The “Car Sys- tem Digital” is based on this. Circuit boards control every new functional model, and dig- Hermann Faller died in 1982 and his brother itally printed parts embellish a multitude of Edwin withdrew from the management of products. And the “FALLER CREATE” range the company in 1986. Gradually, deficits long introduced in 2019 is completely digital. Cus- masked by the great demand become appar- tomers design the model they want on the ent. Enormous pension liabilities burden the computer using the online tool, and the mod- company‘s ability to develop. “The innovative el is then produced by FALLER on a 3D printer. power was weakened, controlling was outdat- “We‘re competing with a huge leisure industry ed, the company figures were not very trans- today. There‘s also the issue of an increasing- parent and new projects were increasingly ly scarce human resource: time.” So innova- left unfinished”, says Horst Neidhard. A gener- tion takes on a new dimension. It‘s not just at al market crisis in the model railway industry product level but about creating positive ex- hits the company hard. “In four years, sales periences. “We see ourselves as idea absorb- plummeted by 40 percent. The company‘s ers and enablers. We develop products cus- capital resources were too low to absorb this tomers can use to successfully realise their loss.” This ultimately leads to FALLER having very own ideas. The products are designed to file for insolvency in the midst of its needed to stimulate the imagination, making crafting restructuring. New perspectives and playing an experience.” This means that today, 75 years after its foundation, FALLER is still fully in line with the intentions of Her- A traditional brand like FALLER, with its in- mann and Edwin Faller. credible appeal, its enthusiastic fan commu- nity and its well-established, outstanding em- ployees, was not to disappear so easily. 1985 Ferris wheel